Content types

Changing the default content type

If you want to change the default content type, open your frontmatter.json and write an entry for the frontMatter.taxonomy.contentTypes setting. Visual Studio Code will automatically autocomplete it with the default content type fields.

If in some case it wouldn't do this, here is the default content type structure:

Adapt the fields to your needs. For our documentation it looks as follows:

The metadata section on the editor panel will render the following fields:

Adapted default content type fields

Content type properties

For the content type you can configure the following properties:

  • name (string): Name of the content type
  • fields (Field[]): Check the supported field types
  • fileType (enum: 'md' | 'mdx' | 'markdown' | '<your choice>'): File type of for the content type you define. The type will be used to create the file when creating content.
  • pageBundle (boolean): Specify if for the content a folder will be created. Default: false.
  • previewPath (string): Defines a custom preview path for the content type. Default: null. When the preview path is not set, the value from the frontMatter.preview.pathName setting will be used.

Define your own type

In most cases, you'll work with multiple types of content where each type will have its defined set of fields. If this is the case for your website, you'll need to add another content type to the frontMatter.taxonomy.contentTypes setting.

Instead of overriding the default content type, you can also define a new content type. It requires you to specify the name and fields.

Important: The name property value needs to be equal to the type value you set in your Markdown front matter. You best define it via a template so that it's always defined. A default template will be available when initializing Front Matter in your project in the .frontmatter/templates folder.


In the sample, documentation is used as the content type name. This means that in your article, you'll need to add the type: documentation to your front matter to let the editor panel understand which fields to show.

Fields: Check out the fields section to learn which fields are supported.


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